Sustainability and Stewardship in Education

The international learning community came together to advance current thinking about teacher development and pedagogical practice that informs teachers capacity to support students working with multiple forms of knowledge. The community offered a collaborative approach to help develop engagement with science and religion that focused attention on exploring sustainability. Participants were invited to consider the term ‘sustainability’ and meaning associated to it, before exploring how the discipline of science and the perspective of stewardship (religious and worldviews) respond to local and global issues of sustainability. The lens was then expanded to investigate through other disciplinary perspectives such as geography, economics and maths.  Over the course of four workshops the community co-created a series of sustainability lesson plans that incorporated science and stewardship.

Teaching Sustainability Workshops

The cross-cultural nature of the community, facilitated opportunity for a greater diversity of religious and worldviews. Across the four workshops, we were encouraged by the representation of teaching professionals, both experienced and trainee teachers from three different nations across the world.

  • Workshop 1 – Collaborative approach to developing engagement with science and religion: Exploring sustainability in an international learning community
  • Workshop 2 – Creating a lesson to engage with Science and Religious or Worldviews when exploring Sustainability in an International Learning Community
  • Workshop 3 – Developing a Sustainability lesson to incorporate Science and Religious perspective and worldviews in the international learning community
  • Workshop 4 – A Sustainability lesson plan with Science and Religious perspectives and worldviews in the international learning community

Epistemic Insight: 5 – minute lesson plans

The community co-created a series of lesson plans to teach sustainability opportunities and challenges through the disciplinary lens of science and from the perspective of stewardship (RE/worldviews). 

Learning community resources

Learning community blog posts